Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Puding Tape Ketan Berlapis

Material A:
150 g Sugar
700 ml Water
1 pack Jelly Powder
1/4 Ts Green Dye
1/4 Ts pandanus essense

Material B:
100 g Sugar
600 ml thick coconut milk
100 g Tape (fragmented cassava) refined
1 pack jelly powder
1/2 Ts Garam
100 g Green Tape Ketan (fragmented sticky rice)

Other Material:
Cocopandan Syrup

How To Make:
Prepare baking pan (triangle shape), wash with water and put a side.
Mixed material A, cooked with stir until boiled.
Pour a little A batter until 1/4 pan, leave until cold.
Mixed material B, cooked with stir until boiled.
Pour a little B batter on top of A batter, leave it until half cold.
Heaten A & B batter, do step above flit repeatly until all batter used.

Server with cocopandan Syrup for 20 piece.