Friday, October 22, 2010

MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour)

An error if the Indonesian people are too dependent on big as the main food. and that problems arose from a substitute food that is MOCAF (modification of cassava flour).

Cheap, Durable & Multi Products
Product MOCAF economically far more economical than wheat products that have been circulating in the market. Raw materials are easily cultivated, cheapening the price of cassava, as well as processing tepoung that do not require high technology. MOCAF Prices ranged only between 40-60 percent of the price of wheat. This makes the product so any resulting from MOCAF will be more profitable than wheat flour.

Experimental results show MOCAF can be used as food ingredients with a very wide usage. MOCAF turned out to not only be used as supplementary materials, but can be directly used as raw materials from a variety of foods, ranging from noodles, bakery, cookies until semi-moist food. The cakes made from raw MOCAF has a high resistance to dehydration, so it can be stored 3-4 days without changing the texture.

MOCAF industry development from upstream to downstream felt very strategic. For large enough yan effect on society. ranging from community economic development through the business opportunities da labor. So it is possible to reduce unemployment.

Moreover, there are expected synergies from the various parties, both governmental and private.

Sources of